So, I figured that I have done a lot of heavy, serious stuff for the last few posts. And considering I like to write about all the stuff that runs through my head, that is no surprise! However, I figured I would mix it up a little bit today, and talk about the night-time drama's of being married to one Mr Benjamin James Holmes. And for those of you, whose minds automatically go know who you are...I am not talking about THOSE night-time drama's!
Now I don't know if you will all know, but my husband is a chronic sleep talker/walker/one-manned-motion-picture, during the night! Now to be honest, I truly love his early morning antics, as it is most definitely the cause of much laughter each morning as we recount the nightly events! Although it can cut into my sleep, meaning that in the last 2 1/2 years of marriage, I would have been lucky to get a dozen full nights sleep! No, this is an exaggeration, but you get the idea! When we were first married, I was often confused by the events that took place in our bed, as I was not used to this extremity of activity. I remember that at one point Ben, thinking I was a big black bull, was leaning over me, trying to decide how I got there. And when I awoke to his face directly above mine, got a fright, and promptly tried to question him as to what he was doing, he was very quick to turn over in bed and tell me though his actions should not cause any confusion and he had been behaving perfectly normally. Over the last 2 years, Ben has saved me from falling rocks by attempting to push me out of the bed, encouraged me and the large audience in our bedroom, by clapping and cheering, given the thumbs up to my brother and his friends while on holiday, and had many many conversations with Stevo... apparently a very good friend of ours, whom I have never met!
I usually wake earlier than Ben for work, and on one morning in particular, I had got out of the shower and was by the bed turning on my hair-straighteners...I had not dressed at this point, and due to the fact that we have just returned from a holiday in South America, have quite obvious tan-lines...when I find Ben staring at me oddly. This was one of the only time's when I have not been able to tell straight away that he was still asleep, as his eyes usually give him away. He started saying to me, "No thank-you", (a polite boy, even in his sleep). I asked him what he meant but he simply kept repeating himself. At this point I realised I was talking to him in his sleep and asked him what he was talking about, to which he responded by pointing to my body and repeating, "No thank-you", (Luckily I am not easily offended, or I might have assumed that he thought I was hitting on him, and was rejecting my offer of wake-up sex), instead I started laughing and asked him why he didn't like me standing there naked, to which he looked me up and down with a very confused expression on his face, then realising I was telling the truth, he rolled over looking very silly, and pretended he had said nothing. As it turns out, he had thought I was standing in front of him covered in brown powder, and had offered to cover him with the powder also, to which he very politely replied, "No thank-you!"
But recently he has taken to rearranging the ornaments around our bedroom. I first noticed it a couple of weeks ago while we were Skyping friends of ours from home. Sitting next to the computer, on the desk in our room, were all the items from Ben's bedside table. Now being the neat freak that I am, I should congratulate myself in training him so well to the point of tidying in his sleep, although I doubt very much, that this was the cause of the movement. Usually Ben's night-time antics involve him rescuing or saving someone, being in some adventure in some jungle, or flying some plane. But the common theme is that he is the hero in each event. So to be honest it would not surprise me in the least if these items were actually some poor, helpless citizens he had saved from certain death, or possibly a litter of kittens he had rescued from a burning tree?
Ben has however, gone from moving the items from the bedside table and placing them at other locations in the room, to taking them into the bed with him. He awoke this morning, after dreaming that the bedside table was in fact an overhead luggage compartment in a plane, that he was given the duty of unpacking, to find all the various items from the table, in the bed with him. Being the sneaky man that he is, he then removed them from the bed before I awoke and noticed his odd behaviour, and placed them on the window sill...much less suspicious if you ask me!
Well, all in all, I do feel just a little bit smug that I am privilege to so much entertainment during the night, as not all women could boast such adventure while they sleep!
Hahaha I had a good crackup at the brown powder!!